For more information on "The System" slotted deflection track, please call Metal-Lite at 1.800.236.0302 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

"The System™" slotted deflection track is a patented head-of-wall structure that cycles and is fire resistant. This single track system provides a fast and economical head-of-wall installation providing a secure installation (positive attachment). No cut-ins, no caulking, no spray-on fireproofing, and no elastomeric coating needed. "The System" slotted deflection track has a 2 1/2" leg.
Approvals: California State Fire Marshal, California OSHPD, Los Angeles City, and New York City MEA
This is the first head-of-wall system and method to meet the cycle, fire resistance, and hose stream testing requirements of the BOCA Code Section 709, the Standard Code Section 705, and the International Building Code, 2009.
“The System®”deflection track by Metal-Lite™ was tested to comply with the following excerpts from the IBC (International Building Code) 2009 Codes –FIRE-RESISTANT JOINT SYSTEM. An assemblage of specific materials or products that are designed, tested, and fire-resistance rated in accordance with either ASTM E 1966 or UL 2079 to resist for a prescribed period of time the passage of fire through joints made in or between fire-resistance-rated assemblies.
IBC 2009
Section 714.3 Fire Test Criteria-Fire-resistant joint systemsshall be tested in accordance with the requirements of either ASTM E 1966 or UL 2079.
Type of Joint System | Number of Cycles |
Seismic | 100 |
Expansion/Contraction | 500 |
Wind Sway | 500 |
THE FIRE-RESISTIVE JOINT SYSTEM in section 702 of the IBC 2009is an assemblage of specific materials or products that are designed, tested, and fire-resistance rated in accordance with either ASTM E 1966 or UL 2079 to resist for a prescribed period of time the passage of fire through joints made in or between fire-resistance-rated assemblies. Such material or construction assembly shall be securely installed in or on the joint for its entire length so as not to dislodge, loosen or otherwise impair its ability to resist the passage of fire and hot gases.
General. Joints installed in or between in or between fire-resistance-rated walls, floor or floors/ceiling assemblies and roofs or roof/ceiling assemblies shall be protected by an approved fire-resistant joint system designed to resist the passage of fire for a time period not less than the required fire-resistance rating of the wall, floor or roof in or between which it is installed. Fire-resistant joint systems shall be tested in accordance with Section 712.3. The void created at the intersection of a floor/ceiling assembly and the an exterior curtain wall assembly shall be protected in accordance with Section 712.4.
Installation. Fire-resistant joint systems shall be securely installed in or on the joint for its entire length so as not to dislodge, loosen or otherwise impair its ability to accommodate expected building movements and to resist the passage of fire and hot gases.
Fire test criteria. Fire-resistant joint systems shall be tested in accordance with requirements of UL 2079.
NOTE: The following is a synopsis of the ANSI/UL 2079 Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems:
There are 3 components to this test standard: Pre-conditioning cycle testing, furnace testing, and the hose stream test. The excerpt is included for informational purposes. Contact Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (847) 272-8800 for the complete test standard.
Each joint system is to be subjected to movement cycling prior to the fire test. The joint system is to be installed at it nominal width. The movement cycling is to consist of any one of the conditions specified in Table 9.1. A movement cycle is to consist of the joint system width being nominal, maximum, minimum and then nominal
Table 9.1 | Conditions of test specimen cycling | Minimum number of cycles | Minimum cycling rate (cycles per minute) | UL Class* | 500 | 1 | I | 500 | 10 | II | 100 | 30 | III | |
For more information on "The System" Slotted deflection track, please call Metal-Lite at 1.800.236.0302 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..